10 October ,2023

Stay­ing ahead of the curve in MICE busi­ness

SKIL Events has a range of unique selling points and strengths in the MICE busi­ness that dis­tin­guish it from the com­pet­i­tion. Their dom­in­ance lies in their unmatched abil­ity to source excep­tional ven­ues for events. With a global logist­ics cap­ab­il­ity in-house, SKIL Events is empowered to effi­ciently man­age trans­port­a­tion and ensure seam­less event oper­a­tions. Raman­preet Singh, Vice Pres­id­ent-Growth and Strategy, SKIL Events, asserts that their team is com­men­ded for gen­er­at­ing and imple­ment­ing unique and cre­at­ive ideas and con­cepts that leave a last­ing impres­sion on attendees.

MICE Busi­ness

In 2023, SKIL Events observed a sig­ni­fic­ant increase in MICE inquir­ies, with the mar­ket show­ing a threefold rise over the pre­vi­ous year. Res­ult­antly, the organ­isa­tion has cap­it­al­ised on this surge in demand and has been acquir­ing new cli­ents reg­u­larly. “Even in the face of high demand, we main­tain a focus on sus­tain­able growth and select­ively choose cli­ents, pre­dom­in­antly favour­ing premium cli­ents to ensure qual­ity ser­vice,” says Raman­preet.

The post-COVID land­scape has intro­duced chal­lenges of its own kind while organ­ising MICE events. Address­ing these issues, Raman­preet says, “Among these chal­lenges are increased costs for vari­ous aspects of event plan­ning, which have nearly doubled due to higher demand and lim­ited sup­ply. Addi­tion­ally, issues related to human resources, tur­bu­lent air­fares, com­plex tax struc­tures, unreg­u­lated infra­struc­ture, and capa­city, per­sist within the industry. However, our organ­isa­tion excels in these areas, as they are our core dif­fer­en­ti­at­ors. With our expert­ise in logist­ics, venue sourcing, and trained staff, we have man­aged to stay ahead of the curve. This has sig­ni­fic­antly boos­ted aspir­a­tions of our brand, attract­ing numer­ous applic­a­tions from poten­tial employ­ees reg­u­larly.”

With the use of tech­no­logy and innov­a­tions, and with vir­tual and hybrid events tak­ing over in a big way, the MICE busi­ness has evolved by large pro­por­tions. SKIL Events, pri­or­it­ises tech­no­logy and innov­a­tion, using enga­ging ideas such as vir­tual and aug­men­ted real­ity-based exper­i­ences to enhance guest inter­ac­tions and over­all event exper­i­ences. “Tech­no­logy and innov­a­tion are being used judi­ciously at SKIL Travel. We have adap­ted our events to incor­por­ate vir­tual and hybrid formats. Hybrid events allow thou­sands of guests to join remotely, while we use vari­ous enga­ging tech-based ideas for on-site attendees. Our guests enjoy exper­i­ences like the Vir­tual Paparazzi Wall, Aug­men­ted Real­ity-Based Games, the sig­na­ture Cham­paign Wall, Mosaic Wall, Inter­act­ive Table Tops, LED Entrance Arches and Standees, and more, enrich­ing their over­all event par­ti­cip­a­tion,” states Raman­preet.

In line with their com­mit­ment to growth, SKIL Events is invest­ing sub­stan­tially in the MICE busi­ness. Their turnover in the events space is expec­ted to triple com­pared to the pre­vi­ous year, high­light­ing their ded­ic­a­tion to expan­sion and pro­gress. The rapid expan­sion of their teams aims to meet the grow­ing demands and expect­a­tions of their cli­ents.

India, with its abund­ance of diverse tour­ist attrac­tions, presents an excel­lent oppor­tun­ity to estab­lish itself as a world-class venue for MICE tour­ism. The gov­ern­ment’s focus and pro­mo­tion of regional des­tin­a­tions through global famil­i­ar­isa­tion (FAM) tours will rein­force MICE tour­ism on a major scale in India, believes Raman­preet. Act­ive efforts to bid for more inter­na­tional exhib­i­tions and events would draw atten­tion to the coun­try as a pre­ferred des­tin­a­tion. Moreover, improve­ments in infra­struc­ture for host­ing global con­certs and other large-scale events would enhance India’s appeal to inter­na­tional busi­ness and leis­ure trav­el­lers.

The Indian MICE industry looks at a prom­ising future. There are sev­eral tail­winds that are aid­ing rapid growth in demand, like the industry’s adapt­a­tion to vir­tual and hybrid event formats, which indic­ate a pos­it­ive tra­ject­ory. As tech­no­logy con­tin­ues to evolve, the integ­ra­tion of new-age innov­a­tions will prom­ise elev­ated guest exper­i­ences. However, a favour­able reg­u­lat­ory envir­on­ment and con­tin­ued invest­ments in infra­struc­ture, along with skilled man­power, will be essen­tial for the sus­tain­able devel­op­ment of the MICE industry in India,” opines Raman­preet.

With a com­mit­ment to deliv­er­ing magical exper­i­ences, SKIL offers a range of ser­vices that cater to every aspect of cor­por­ate event plan­ning. SKIL’s expert team provides concept and theme recom­mend­a­tions that align with the cli­ent’s object­ives, which the team sub­sequently pro­ceeds to design and give shape to, cre­at­ing end-to-end cre­at­ives that bring the concept to life.

These are excit­ing times for the MICE industry in India, present­ing abund­ant oppor­tun­it­ies for growth and suc­cess. Choos­ing expert play­ers in the industry, like our organ­isa­tion, can ensure a seam­less and sus­tain­able jour­ney toward achiev­ing event excel­lence and also help in staying ahead in the world of corporate events. As we move for­ward, we remain com­mit­ted to deliv­er­ing excep­tional ser­vice and cre­at­ing unfor­get­table exper­i­ences for our cli­ents and, in turn, their attendees,” con­cludes Raman­preet.

Read More : https://www.pressreader.com/india/travel-trade-journal/20230808/281895892763176

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